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2. General Procedures

2.1 General provisions

The Approach Control Radar ensures surveillance-based separation services for arriving aircraft, as well as between arriving and departing aircraft, within the Doha Terminal Maneuvering Area (TMA). This encompasses Doha International Airport (DIA/OTBD), Hamad International Airport (DOH/OTHH), and Al-Udaid Airbase (OTBH).

Additionally, radar control services are extended to aircraft operating within the boundaries of the Doha TMA, including those departing to or arriving from adjacent airspaces, as necessary.

2.2 Separation minima

2.2.1 Surveillance-based separation

Unless specified otherwise in sections 2.2.2 and 4.1.1, aircraft operating within the Doha TMA must maintain a minimum horizontal separation of 3 NM. If this cannot be achieved, a minimum vertical separation of 1,000 ft must be applied.

Controllers are required to employ suitable speed and altitude instructions, along with lateral profile adjustments, to ensure adherence to the prescribed separation minima.

2.2.2 Wake turbulence separation

The applicable Recategorisation Wake Turbulence Separation Minima (RECAT) must always be enforced for aircraft operating below 6,000 ft under the following conditions:

  • When an aircraft is directly behind another at the same altitude or within 1,000 ft below.
  • When both aircraft are utilizing the same runway or parallel runways separated by less than 760 meters.
  • When an aircraft is crossing behind another at the same altitude or within 1,000 ft below.

2.3 Doha TMA runway configuration

Due to the interactions between departure and arrival procedures, the runway direction in the Doha TMA is determined by the active runway configuration at Hamad (OTHH). Consequently, Doha (OTBD) and Al-Udaid (OTBH) must always operate in the same runway configuration as Hamad.

2.4 Designated areas of responsibility

2.4.1 General

To reduce workload during peak periods, the Doha TMA may be divided into a maximum of seven sectors. Each sector is assigned specific departures and arrivals and must adhere to standard level clearance and handoff procedures to maintain separation.

2.4.2 Coordination between controllers

Clearances for direct routing to waypoints, radar vectors before the downwind leg, or deviations from standard level clearances within designated controller Areas of Responsibility (AoRs) must not be issued without prior coordination between the relevant controllers.

Handoffs between controllers must be conducted early enough to allow the next sectors to facilitate continuous climb or descent, provided no conflicts exist with other traffic and separation is maintained.

2.4.3 Sectors - Doha TMA

Logon Sector Radio Callsign Area of Responsibility
DOH_R1_APP Radar (North) "DOHA RADAR" Departure services for: ALSEM, ALVEN, LUBET, TULUB, VAXIN
Arrival services for: ALKAN, HAYYA, TOSNA, VEDED
DOH_R2_APP Radar (South) "DOHA RADAR" Departure Services for: BUNDU, DATRI, KUPRO, ULIKA
Arrival services provided for: LAEEB, ORLEK, TOSNA, TOVOX
DOH_A1_APP Approach (East) "DOHA APPROACH" Departures/Arrivals for runway 16L/34R
DOH_A2_APP Approach (West) "DOHA APPROACH" Departures/Arrivals for runways 16R/34L & 15/33
DOH_F1_APP Director (East) "DOHA DIRECTOR" Final approach sequencing for runway 16L/34R
DOH_F2_APP Director (Central) "DOHA DIRECTOR" Final approach sequencing for runway 16R/34L
DOH_F3_APP Director (West) "DOHA DIRECTOR" Final approach sequencing for runway 15/33
Table 2-1: Doha TMA areas of responsibility

2.4.4 Handoff procedure Departures - Doha 15 / Hamad 16s

Departure Aerodrome Runway SID Handoff procedure
OTHH 16L ALSEM2M Approach East → Radar North → U.A.E Radar
OTHH 16L ALVEN2M Approach East → Radar North → Doha Control
OTHH 16L KUPRO1M Approach East → Radar South → U.A.E Radar
OTHH 16L LUBET1M Approach East → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTHH 16L LUBET1Y Approach East → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTHH 16L TULUB1M Approach East → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTHH 16L VAXIN2M Approach East → Radar North → Doha Control
OTHH 16R BUNDU2C Approach West → Radar South → U.A.E Radar
OTHH 16R DATRI1C Approach West → Radar South → Jeddah Control
OTHH 16R LUBET1C Approach West → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTHH 16R TULUB1C Approach West → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTHH 16R ULIKA1C Approach West → Radar South → Jeddah Control
OTBD 15 ALSEM3S Approach West → Radar North → U.A.E Radar
OTBD 15 ALVEN3S Approach West → Radar North → Doha Control
OTBD 15 BUNDU3S Approach West → Radar South → U.A.E Radar
OTBD 15 DATRI1S Approach West → Radar South → Jeddah Control
OTBD 15 KUPRO1S Approach West → Radar South → U.A.E Radar
OTBD 15 LUBET2S Approach West → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTBD 15 PATOM3S Approach West → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTBD 15 TULUB2S Approach West → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTBD 15 ULIKA1S Approach West → Radar South → Jeddah Control
OTBD 15 VAXIN3S Approach West → Radar South → Doha Control
Table 2-2: Doha TMA departure handoffs (OTBD 15/OTHH 16s) Departures - Doha 33 / Hamad 34s

Departure Aerodrome Runway SID Handoff procedure
OTHH 34L DATRI1W Approach West → Radar South → Jeddah Control
OTHH 34L LUBET1A Approach West → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTHH 34L LUBET1W Approach West → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTHH 34L TULUB1A Approach West → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTHH 34L TULUB1W Approach West → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTHH 34L ULIKA1A Approach West → Radar South → Jeddah Control
OTHH 34L ULIKA1W Approach West → Radar South → Jeddah Control
OTHH 34R ALSEM2E Approach East → Radar North → U.A.E Radar
OTHH 34R ALVEN3E Approach East → Radar North → Doha Control
OTHH 34R BUNDU2E Approach East → Radar South → U.A.E Radar
OTHH 34R KUPRO1E Approach East → Radar South → U.A.E Radar
OTHH 34R LUBET2E Approach East → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTHH 34R LUBET2Z Approach East → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTHH 34R TULUB2E Approach East → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTHH 34R VAXIN2E Approach East → Radar North → Doha Control
OTBD 33 ALSEM3N Approach West → Radar North → U.A.E Radar
OTBD 33 ALVEN3N Approach West → Radar North → Doha Control
OTBD 33 BUNDU3N Approach West → Radar South → U.A.E Radar
OTBD 33 DATRI1N Approach West → Radar South → Jeddah Control
OTBD 33 KUPRO1N Approach West → Radar South → U.A.E Radar
OTBD 33 LUBET2N Approach West → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTBD 33 PATOM3N Approach West → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTBD 33 TULUB2N Approach West → Radar North → Bahrain Radar
OTBD 33 ULIKA1N Approach West → Radar South → Bahrain Radar
OTBD 33 VAXIN3N Approach West → Radar North → Doha Control
Table 2-3: Doha TMA departure handoffs (OTBD 33/OTHH 34s) Arrivals - Doha 15 / Hamad 16s

Arrival Aerodrome STAR Handoff procedure
OTBD/OTHH ALKAN1F Doha Control → Radar North → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH ALKAN1H Doha Control → Radar North → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH ALKAN1P Doha Control → Radar North → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH HAYYA1F Bahrain Radar → Radar North → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH HAYYA1H Bahrain Radar → Radar North → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH HAYYA1P Bahrain Radar → Radar North → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH LAEEB1F Jeddah Control → Radar South → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH LAEEB1K Jeddah Control → Radar South → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH ORLEK1F Jeddah Control → Radar South → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH TOSNA1P U.A.E Radar → Radar South → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH TOSNA1T U.A.E Radar → Radar North → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH TOSNA2F U.A.E Radar → Radar South → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH TOVOX1P U.A.E Radar → Radar South → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH TOVOX2F U.A.E Radar → Radar South → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH VEDED1F Doha Control → Radar North → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH VEDED1H Doha Control → Radar North → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH VEDED1P Doha Control → Radar North → Approach East
Table 2-4: Doha TMA arrivals handoffs (OTBD 15/OTHH 16s) Arrivals - Doha 33 / Hamad 34s

Arrival Aerodrome STAR Handoff procedure
OTBD/OTHH ALKAN1L Doha Control → Radar North → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH ALKAN1R Doha Control → Radar North → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH ALKAN1V Doha Control → Radar North → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH HAYYA1L Bahrain Radar → Radar North → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH HAYYA1R Bahrain Radar → Radar North → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH HAYYA1V Bahrain Radar → Radar North → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH LAEEB1J Jeddah Control → Radar South → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH LAEEB1L Jeddah Control → Radar South → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH ORNEL1L Jeddah Control → Radar South → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH TOSNA1J U.A.E Radar → Radar North → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH TOSNA1R U.A.E Radar → Radar South → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH TOSNA1V U.A.E Radar → Radar North → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH TOSNA2L U.A.E Radar → Radar South → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH TOVOX1R U.A.E Radar → Radar South → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH TOVOX2L U.A.E Radar → Radar South → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH VEDED1L Doha Control → Radar North → Approach West
OTBD/OTHH VEDED1R Doha Control → Radar North → Approach East
OTBD/OTHH VEDED1V Doha Control → Radar North → Approach East
Table 2-5: Doha TMA arrivals handoffs (OTBD 33/OTHH 34s)

2.4.5 Sector order

Unless explicitly authorized by the Arabian vACC staff, sectors within the Doha TMA must be opened in the specified order.

Each active sector requires a prerequisite sector to be online before further divisions of the TMA are made. If a prerequisite sector goes offline, the TMA must revert to the previous configuration.

Sectors not included in this priority order may be opened at any time.

Online Sector Next sector to open Prerequisite sector
Table 2-6: Sector order of login

2.4.6 Sector top-down coverage

When the lower sector is offline, Doha Radar shall provide top-down coverage for Doha in addition to its designated areas of responsibility. This responsibility transitions to Doha Approach when it is online.