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Controller Conduct


This document outlines the code of conduct that all members, regardless of their membership status, must follow when controlling, training, or participating in any activities within the Arabian vACC. Arabian vACC staff reserve the right to revoke a controller's approvals if any of these procedures are violated.

By being a member of the vACC, pilots and controllers are bound by the procedures and requirements specified in this policy. Failure to comply with this policy will result in the removal of controlling privileges within the Arabian vACC.  


Controller Conduct

All members shall follow the general points listed below:

  1. Members shall follow the VATSIM Code of Conduct.
  2. Members shall be in good standing with the Arabian vACC, VATMENA, VATEMEA, and VATSIM.
  3. Any controller who, after careful investigation, has been found to have violated any article of the VATSIM Code of Conduct as a controller, pilot, or observer shall be immediately removed from the Arabian vACC roster without prior notice.
  4. Controllers shall always comply with all training standards and all policies found on the Arabian vACC official training system, as well as all SOPs, vMATS, Operational Changes, and Letters of Agreement.
  5. Hate speech, violence, derogatory remarks, or personal attacks towards pilots on frequency shall result in termination of membership from the Arabian vACC without prejudice. A controller found in violation of this requirement shall also be reported to the VATSIM network.

In addition to these points, all members shall follow the specific guidelines outlined herein. Failure to do so will result in disciplinary action and/or removal of controlling privileges within the Arabian vACC.

Training Standards

The Arabian vACC is committed to upholding the highest standards of ATC operations and aims to closely replicate real-world ATC procedures.

Controllers are required to consistently adhere to the procedures outlined in the Arabian vMATS, SOPs, Operational Changes, and Letters of Agreement.

Additionally, controllers must always comply with the Arabian Policy on Training Process for Home and Visitor Members, as well as the Arabian Policy on Controller Membership and Activity.

Spoken Language

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) mandates that all pilots and controllers communicate in English using ICAO-standard phraseology. Therefore, the Arabian vACC requires all controllers to communicate in English while connected to the VATSIM network. Controllers are expected to follow the standard phraseology outlined in the Arabian Radiotelephony manual at all times.

Staffing of controller positions

Controllers are expected to staff their online position for the full duration of their session. If a controller needs to step away for more than 5 minutes, they must disconnect from the network and only reconnect when they can fully staff the position without interruption.

Before disconnecting, controllers must coordinate as outlined in the "Ending a Session" section.

Streaming controllers

To maintain the highest quality controlling experience for pilots, controllers who wish to stream on any online platform must prioritize their controlling duties over stream-related chat or notifications.

Controllers intending to stream must inform other members in the Discord coordination channel and obtain their consent. If consent is not granted, the streaming controller should move to a separate Discord channel.

Controller Coordination

Commencing a session

All controllers within the Arabian vACC must follow the coordination procedure outlined below if they wish to open an ATC position.

flowchart LR
   a[Controller checks out VATSIM Radar or equivalent to see if ATC is online] --> b[Adjacent controllers are online] --> c[Log on as an Observer] --> d[Coordinate with the next controller to determine ATIS, runways in use, and operational info] --> e[Log on desired position]
    a[Controller checks out VATSIM Radar or equivalent to see if ATC is online] --> f[Adjacent controllers are not online] --> e[Log on desired position]

Controllers should check the Arabian vACC Discord server to see if the adjacent controller is in an Arabian vACC Coordination voice channel. If so, the controller wishing to open an adjacent position may coordinate through this voice channel.

When logging in as an observer, controllers must allow sufficient time for Euroscope to update the online ATC stations and ensure their visibility centers are set correctly. Failure to do so will be considered a failure to coordinate.

Ending a session

Before ending a controlling session, controllers must notify other controllers of their intent to disconnect by using the ".break" function on Euroscope and by announcing it via voice (if available) at least 5 minutes before disconnecting from the position.

Use of relief callsigns

Controllers who connect to the VATSIM network to relieve a previous controller, such as during an event, must log on using an appropriate relief callsign (e.g., OMDB_R1_TWR) until the handover is completed. Once the handover is finished, they should switch to the normal callsign for that position as soon as practicable.

Hours logged under relief callsigns will not be included in regional, divisional, or vACC activity statistics.

This procedure also ensures that all transceivers linked to the position are loaded correctly.

Minimum session times

The Arabian vACC is dedicated to delivering consistent, high-quality service to pilots flying in the Arabian region. To maintain this standard, controllers must adhere to the minimum session time requirements outlined below.

Controllers, regardless of their membership status, are not permitted to log on for an ATC session that falls short of the specified minimum durations. Any sessions lasting less than 30 minutes will not be counted towards the controller's quarterly total.

Position Minimum Session Time
DEL/GND 30 Minutes
TWR 30 Minutes
DEP/APP 30 Minutes
CTR 30 Minutes

For instance, if a controller logs a total of 8 hours in a quarter but one session lasted only 28 minutes, that session will be deducted from the 8-hour total. Exceptions may be made if there is evidence of technical issues beyond the member's control. In cases of network disconnection due to technical problems, the controller must notify any other controllers online at the time as soon as possible.

Controllers who cannot meet the minimum session time requirement should refrain from logging in to control. Persistent failure to comply with this rule may result in disciplinary action or the suspension of controller privileges.

Reporting Issues

Both home and visitor controllers may use this form to report any instances of other controllers not adhering to the above procedures. This form is sent directly to vACC staff who shall investigate accordingly.



Members who join the Arabian vACC with the ATC rating of Observer (OBS) will be considered pilot members until they begin ATC training. The following information applies to Arabian vACC pilot members.

Pilots who encounter instances where a controller does not adhere to the above procedures are encouraged to fill out this form to submit a report. This will allow Arabian vACC staff to investigate the issue further. The form can be found at



  1. The Arabian vACC Discord server is for hobby-related discussions only. Any person found insulting, bullying, or harassing another user will be removed from the Discord server and have their membership in the Arabian vACC terminated without prejudice.
  2. Users who are streaming should indicate it in their name. For example: Chris M (S) or Sam J (Stream).
  3. Be respectful, civil, and welcoming.
  4. All NSFW content is strictly prohibited.
  5. Keep spam to a minimum.
  6. Keep all conversations primarily in English.
  7. Be mindful of channels and their intended uses.
  8. Do not post malicious software.
  9. No political or religious discussions.
  10. Ensure your nickname is set to "name - VATSIM CID/Staff position." For example: John Doe - 1234567 or Chris Marriott - ACCARB1, or any other format accepted under the VATSIM naming convention.


  1. Controllers are required to be in Discord coordination channels for event briefings and for the duration of events, unless granted express permission by the ATC Training Director or the Deputy ATC Training Director.
  2. When communicating with other sectors on Discord, a controller should join the channel, state their callsign (and the callsign of the controller they are addressing, if there are multiple controllers in the channel), and wait for the controller to say “pass your message.” Note: Callsign can be replaced with the controller’s name.
  3. Controllers shall refrain from muting their speakers and/or headset in the Discord server. Instead, they should move to an empty room or ask controllers not involved in that sector to move or remain quiet, unless coordinating.
  4. The use of the VATMENA/Arabian vACC Discord servers is a privilege, not a right.
  5. All members shall treat one another with respect and courtesy while on the Discord server.
  6. Discord privileges may be revoked at any time for any reason by the VATMENA Division Staff.
  7. Any appeals of privilege revocations must be submitted, in writing, to the VATMENA Division Director.
  8. Any conflict within the Arabian vACC Discord server shall be documented and sent to the vACC staff immediately.
  9. Members shall not engage with offensive content. Instead, they should screenshot and/or video record the issue and send it to the vACC staff. Upon review of the evidence, if any member of the Arabian vACC is found to be in violation of the Code of Conduct or any of the Arabian vACC policies, the member will be subject to immediate removal from the vACC.

Non-compliance with this Policy

Claiming ignorance when found in violation of any procedures or operations outlined in the Arabian vACC's SOPs is not a valid excuse. It is the responsibility of each member to stay informed about all vACC policies. While staff may announce updates to policies as a courtesy, it is ultimately the member's duty to ensure they are familiar with the latest procedures.

Members will receive a warning for the first instance of any procedural violation. If repeat violations occur, Arabian vACC staff reserve the right to revoke any approvals and/or sign-offs held by the member for a period deemed appropriate.

Conflict Resolution


Should any conflicts or disputes arise, members are required to contact the vACC Director or Deputy Director and attempt to resolve the matter informally. If the conflict persists, the vACC Director shall notify the Division Director and/or the DCRM at their discretion to help resolve the issue. If an informal resolution is not possible, the DCRM may initiate an investigation to determine if any violations occurred and follow established VATSIM procedures to resolve the dispute.

Any unacceptable conduct towards pilots, other controllers, or on any of the Arabian vACC platforms (HQ, social media, Discord server, etc.) while representing the vACC will result in the member's removal.