3. Air Control ("Doha Tower")
3.1 General provisions
Air Control (AIR) is responsible for all aerodrome movements on runways and their associated taxiways. AIR shall also ensure separation between IFR aircraft that are arriving at and departing the aerodrome, as well as provide traffic information to VFR aircraft operating within the aerodrome control zone.
3.2 Preferential runways
Due to the close interaction between arrival and departure procedures within the Doha CTR, the active runway at Doha shall be determined by the active runway direction at Doha-Hamad airport.
3.2.1 Independent parallel operations (IPO)
Due to the close proximity of OTHH runways, pilots should be aware that Independent Parallel Approaches are conducted at OTHH. As a result, arriving aircraft at either OTBD or OTHH may receive instructions such as break-out maneuvers or missed approach procedures if they are considered to be entering the Non-Transgression Zone (NTZ) established between the runways of both airports.
3.3 Departure procedures
3.3.1 Line up clearances
Conditional line up instructions shall include the traffic that the aircraft is to follow, as well as the word “behind” at the beginning and end of the transmission. It is recommended to only have a maximum of two conditional line up clearances active at one i.e., one aircraft lining up behind a departure, and another aircraft lining up behind them.
Controller: "TCM4TM, behind the departing Qatar Executive Gulfstream 650, via G, line up and wait runway 33 behind."
If aircraft have not yet reached the holding point where they are expected to line up at, ATC shall reiterate the cleared holding point.
Controller: "QQE550, via F, line up and wait runway 33."
3.3.2 Take-off clearances
Aircraft shall be cleared for take-off once adequate separation exists as provided in 4.3.4 and 4.6.
Controller: "QQE440, wind 330 degrees 7 knots, runway 33, cleared for take-off."
3.3.3 Separation requirements General
Aircraft shall be separated on departure in compliance with standard IFR departure separation minima or enhanced wake turbulence separation (eWTS) requirements.
Succeeding aircraft on the same SID shall be separated by a minimum of 2 minutes.
VFR aircraft may be instructed to maintain visual separation with preceding aircraft and given a take- off clearance if no wake turbulence separation minima exists. Low visibility and IMC
During low visibility operations and during IMC, departing aircraft shall not be cleared for take-off when there is an arriving aircraft within 5 NM of the landing runway threshold.
3.3.4 IFR handoff procedure General
IFR departures shall be handed off to Doha Approach (West). Where Doha Approach is offline, all handoffs shall be to Doha Approach (East). If Doha Approach is offline it shall be handed off to Doha Radar South.
Where no Approach/Radar controller is present, aircraft shall be handed off directly to the appropriate Doha Control controller.
Aircraft shall be handed off when passing 800 ft to ensure adequate time for a frequency change and avoid a level-off on departure.
3.3.5 Radar vectors departure
Aircraft on a radar vector departure shall be instructed to fly a specific heading on departure to increase separation or to clear the departure path for a following aircraft. This departure instruction shall be delivered to the aircraft before issuing the take-off clearance.
The headings to be issued shall be coordinated with approach control.
Controller: "TCM1TM, after departure, turn left heading 315 degrees and maintain 2000ft, wind 290 degrees, 2 knots, runway 33, cleared for take-off."
3.3.6 Stopping a departure
Aircraft that have commenced their take-off roll may be instructed to stop immediately to avert a collision due to a runway incursion or any other dangerous situation.
It must be noted though, that the instruction to stop must be given early enough such that the aircraft does not reach its decision speed. Therefore, aerodrome controllers must be vigilant and remain aware of the location of traffic at all times.
Controller: "QQE650, stop immediately, I say again stop immediately, truck entering the runway!"
For aircraft that have been given a take-off clearance, but have not yet started the roll, they shall be instructed to hold position and the take-off clearance must be cancelled along with the reason for cancellation.
Controller: "TCM1TM, hold position, cancel take-off, I say again cancel take-off, aircraft entering the runway, acknowledge."
3.4 Arrival procedures
3.4.1 Separation requirements General
While the radar controllers are responsible for separating arriving aircraft, the AIR controller shall still ensure that minimum separation is maintained until the preceding aircraft crosses the runway threshold. Speed control
If it is apparent that minimum separation may not exist as provided in, AIR may use a tactical reduction in aircraft speed.
Controller: "QQE650, reduce to final approach speed." Visual separation
Aircraft may be instructed to maintain own separation visually, if speed control alone will not resolve the conflict. This shall only be done in VMC and with agreement with the pilot. If no other solutions are practical, the succeeding aircraft shall be instructed to go around.
3.4.2 Go-around instruction General go-around procedure
At any time should a runway become unsuitable for an aircraft landing, or separation minima is not met, aircraft shall be instructed to go-around.
Controller: "TCM1TM, go around, I say again, go around, acknowledge."
Once aircraft have acknowledged the instruction and are observed to be safely climbing away, they shall be handed off to departure control.
Controller: "TCM1TM, climb to 4000ft via standard missed approach, contact Doha Approach 124.775."
3.4.3 Arrival taxi procedures
Aircraft shall be provided an initial taxi clearance to ensure they are kept moving such that the exit taxiway (RET) is clear for the next arrival and to minimise runway occupancy times.
The initial taxi shall include instructions to taxi “LEFT” or “RIGHT” onto the relevant taxiway as appropriate and hold short on a suitable taxiway.
Controller: "QQE650, taxi right on D, hold short B."
Once aircraft have been observed to be taxiing and completely clear of the exit, transfer of control shall be initiated to GMC provided there will be no conflicts with other arriving traffic.
Aircraft may normally be expected to vacate on C or C1 in the 33 direction or E1 in the 15 direction.
If required for separation and to expedite traffic, aircraft may be instructed to vacate via the appropriate rapid exit taxiway on initial contact.
3.5 VFR procedures
VFR flight activity should be planned in accordance to published VFR charts, specifically the “OTBD: Helicopter Route” & “OTBD: VFR” charts for traffic navigating within the CTR.
All aircraft returning from general training flying areas shall request joining instructions prior to leaving these areas.
3.5.1 Helicopter aicraft: departing to and/or arriving at OTBD crossing OTHH
Runway | Name | Description |
15 | Orange Route 15 | Departure: After departure RWY 15, turn left towards CRA and climb to cross CRA maintaining 1000 FT. Contact Hamad TWR West on Freq 118.025 MHz once East of OTBD RWY 15. From CRA, route to BCH and Hold, remaining clear of final approach path OTBD RWY 15 and OTHH RWY 16R whilst awaiting crossing clearance from OTHH ATC. When cleared, cross North of threshold OTHH RWY 16R/RWY 16L and route towards BAY. After BAY, route OH 16 maintaining 1000 FT. After OH 16, climb to 1500 FT and route to ESE. |
Arrival: Enter the CTR via ESE maintaining 500 FT. From ESE, route OH 16, BAY to hold, awaiting instructions from OTHH ATC. When cleared, cross north of threshold. Once West of OTHH RWY 16R, contact OTBD ATC Freq. 118.900 MHz and follow joining instructions. |
33 | Orange Route 33 | Departure: After departure RWY 33, turn right towards CRA and climb to cross CRA maintaining 1000 FT. Contact Hamad TWR West on Freq 118.025 MHz once East of OTBD RWY 33. From CRA, route to SRA and Hold, remaining clear of final approach path OTBD RWY 33 and OTHH RWY 34L whilst awaiting crossing clearance from OTHH ATC. When cleared, cross South of threshold OTHH RWY 34L/RWY 34R and route towards SEA. After SEA, route OH 34 maintaining 1000 FT. After OH 34, climb to 1500 FT and route ESE. |
Arrival: Enter the CTR via ESE maintaining 500 FT. From ESE, route OH 34, SEA to hold, awaiting instructions from OTHH ATC. When cleared, cross south of threshold. Contact OTBD ATC Freq. 118.900 MHz once west of OTHH RWY 34L and follow joining instructions. | Suspension of the orange route
The orange route will be suspended under the following conditions:
- When the cloud ceiling is below 2000ft and/or visibility is less than 3500 m;
- During peak arrival periods and during independent parralel operations;
- Doha-Hamad supervisor for any other valid reasons suspends the route with at least 15 minutes notice to Doha;
3.5.2 Helicopter aircraft: arriving and departing OTBD
Runway | Name | Description |
15 & 33 | Turtle Route (TTL) | Departure: After departure RWY 15/33, route direct RDS and climb to 1500 FT. After RDS, route EZD, NML, DFC, LSN and exit via TTL. |
Arrival: Enter the CTR via TTL maintaining 1000 FT. After TTL, route LSN, DFC, NML, EZD, RDS. After RDS, follow instructions from OTBD ATC. |
15 & 33 | Boat Route (BOT) | Departure: After departure OTBD turn to THM climbing 1500 FT, route to ASP, HMM, SBQ to exit via BOT. |
Arrival: Enter the CTR via BOT, maintaining 1000 FT and route to SBQ, HMM, then climb 1500 FT and route to ASP, follow instructions from OTBD ATC. |
15 & 33 | Dhow Route (DOW) | Departure: After departure RWY 15/33, route direct THM and climb to 1500 FT. After THM, route IZB, MIN, BHR, DOW. |
Arrival: Enter the CTR via DOW maintaining 1000 FT. After DOW, route BHR, MIN, IZB, THM. After THM, follow instructions from OTBD ATC. |
15 & 33 | Morjan Route (MOR) | Departure: After departure RWY 15/33, route direct THM and climb to 1500 FT. After THM, join via IZB at 500 FT. After IZB, route SEF, INT, and exit via MOR. |
Arrival: Enter the CTR via MOR maintaining 500 FT. After MOR, route INT, SEF, and IZB to climb 1000 FT to THM. After THM, follow instructions from OTBD ATC. |
3.5.3 Fixed wing aircraft: departing from OTBD to the North
Runway | Name | Description |
33 | Aspire 33 Visual Departure | Climb straight ahead to 700 FT, turn to the West and remain clear of prohibited area OTP45; route direct to ASP then direct to SOF; then direct to SML. Climb as instructed by ATC to 1500 FT. |
15 | Aspire 15 Visual Departure | Climb straight ahead to 700 FT turn to the West before the upwind end of RWY 15; route direct to THM, direct to ASP, direct to SOF then direct to SML. Climb as instructed by ATC to 1500 FT. |
3.5.4 Fixed wing aircraft: arriving to OTBD from the North
Runway | Name | Description |
33 | Aspire 33 Visual Arrival | From SML, route direct to SOF traffic must be 2000 FT at SOF. Then route direct to ASP and hold over ASP as required by ATC. From ASP, route direct to ZUL if requested. Hold at ZUL at 2000 FT. From ZUL, route direct to THM and descend as instructed by ATC. Hold overhead THM at 1500 FT. When instructed by ATC, route for final approach RWY 33. |
15 | Aspire 15 Visual Arrival | From SML, route direct to SOF. Traffic must be 2000 FT by SOF, then route direct to ASP and hold over ASP as required by ATC. When cleared by ATC, proceed to VLG and descend to 1500 FT. | Arrival procedures
- Aircraft to contact Doha Tower at SML for clearance
- If more than two aircraft are requesting to return to Doha from the General Flying Area, they will be required to hold at ZUL for runway 33 or VLG for runway 15. Succeeding aircraft will be advised to remain clear of the CTR and standby for joining instructions.
- Only one aircraft may hold at a time overhead ZUL and VLG.
- No holding overhead ASP.
- Traffic arriving via ASP is independent of OTHH IFR traffic.
- Aircraft proceeding for right base runway 15 from VLG will maintain 1500 ft until established on the final approach to avoid infringing the restricted area over Amiri Diwan.
- After establishing on the approach, touchdown may be expected approximately abeam intersection taxiway Q, with roll-out and vacating at intersection taxiway B or B1.
3.5.5 Traffic remaining in the circuit
AIR control is responsible for managing circuit traffic. Circuits must always be conducted to the west of the aerodrome at 2,000 feet.
Once aircraft are ready for departure, they should be cleared for take-off in sequence. As they begin their crosswind turn (the first turn after departure) they shall be instructed to report when they are on the downwind with their intentions.
Controller: "ADD, report downwind with intentions."
Aircraft may request either a touch and go (where the aircraft lands and immediately takes off), a stop and go (where the aircraft lands, comes to a complete stop on the runway, then takes off), a low approach (where the aircraft flies low over the runway without landing), or a full stop (where the aircraft lands and vacates the runway).
Once AIR is aware of the aircraft’s request, they may be sequenced to the runway, with due consideration given to runway occupancy time.
Aircraft on the downwind should be passed the following information:
- Expected runway;
- Sequence;
- Traffic information, if applicable
Controller: "ADD, report downwind with intentions."
Controller: "ADD, report final runway 33, number 1."
Controller: "ADD, runway 33, cleared to land/touch and go/low approach."
Aircraft conducting a stop-and go shall be required to “REPORT READY FOR DEPARTURE”.
3.5.6 VFR arrivals
Inbound VFR aircraft shall be instructed to contact AIR with enough time such that two-way radio communications has been established before aircraft enter the aerodrome control zone.
On first contact, AIR will pass circuit joining instructions, as well as any other pertinent information.
Controller: "ADD, Doha Tower, join left hand downwind runway 33, 2000ft VFR, QNH 1013."
Aircraft may also be instructed to track towards a visual reporting point (VRP).
Controller: "ADD, Doha Tower, track towards Aspire, 2000ft VFR. Report one mile from Aspire, QNH 1013."
VFR arrivals may be denied entry into the control zone during times of increased IFR arrival activity and instructed to hold outside controller airspace awaiting further instructions.
3.6 Low visibility operations (LVO)
3.6.1 Commencement of LVO
Low visibility operations (LVO) are commenced at Doha when:
- The visibility is 1500 metres or less;
- The cloud base is 1000 feet or less,
- or whenever conditions are such that all of the manouvering area cannot be seen from the control tower
Runway crossings shall be kept to a minimum. Runway 33 is the sole runway at Doha approved for CAT II/III operations.
3.6.2 LVO departure procedures
During LVO, aircraft are required to depart from the full-length holding points. Intersection departures are not allowed under LVO conditions.
3.6.3 LVO arrival procedures
Arriving aircraft must report fully vacated.
3.7 Designated areas of responsibility
3.7.1 AIR positions
AIR is responsible for runway 15/33 and all associated taxiways.
3.7.2 Handoff procedure
Where transfer of control is to be made between aerodrome controllers, aircraft shall not be cleared to a point beyond the current controller’s designated zone of responsibility unless there has been prior coordination with the next controller. Hold short instructions may be used to satisfy this requirement.